
オバマの影響力 / Obama's impact





Obama became U.S. president. How do you think does it influence America?

In my opinion, Obama's policy will make people proactive and it is one of the most important influences. He differs from past presidents because he is a first black president and he has high and wide range of approval.
Now amid this financial crisis and recession, nation can't have an upbeat view.
Their bad mental condition makes them shift from investment and consumption to saving. Its impact has a bad effect for economy. It is important that president works on not only for financial crisis and employment issue by bailouts, but also to care their mind.
you may feel my opinion is not strong or clear. But, in the first place, I don't believe one person's action can have a massive power. Instead, I think the most important thing is how many people trust president's action.
In the other day, I watched the Obama's presidential oath and was amazed. Because I had never seen such a large amount of people to listen to a politician's speech.
I would like to anticipate the power of trust makes this situation better.

Why does it become unnatural, when I write Japanese with being conscious of English?

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