
小テスト / A quiz

People who buy stocks and shares are called shareholders in Britain, and stockholders in the USA.



I got it!
These are the same in meaning, but it depends on country how they are called.

Current assets:
  Any investments, cheques, bank deposits, stock or work-in-progress that can easily be converted into cash.
Liquid assets:
  Assets which can be used to make immediate payments.

ということで、流動資産と日本語からいくと"Current assets", "Liquid assets"と両方出てくるが、若干違いがあるらしい。


I heard "Current assets" and "Liquid assets" are two different things.
But I can't distinguish between "Current assets" and "Liquid assets".


オバマの影響力 / Obama's impact





Obama became U.S. president. How do you think does it influence America?

In my opinion, Obama's policy will make people proactive and it is one of the most important influences. He differs from past presidents because he is a first black president and he has high and wide range of approval.
Now amid this financial crisis and recession, nation can't have an upbeat view.
Their bad mental condition makes them shift from investment and consumption to saving. Its impact has a bad effect for economy. It is important that president works on not only for financial crisis and employment issue by bailouts, but also to care their mind.
you may feel my opinion is not strong or clear. But, in the first place, I don't believe one person's action can have a massive power. Instead, I think the most important thing is how many people trust president's action.
In the other day, I watched the Obama's presidential oath and was amazed. Because I had never seen such a large amount of people to listen to a politician's speech.
I would like to anticipate the power of trust makes this situation better.

Why does it become unnatural, when I write Japanese with being conscious of English?

ゴールドマンの卒業生達 / Goldman's alumni

Goldman Sachs stars lose their luster amid crisis [Reuters](Jan 23, 2009)

John Thain, Bank of America's just ousted head of investment banking, securities and wealth management, is only the latest alumnus from Wall Street powerhouse Goldman Sachs to fall abruptly from grace as the legendary bank loses its aura of invincibility.

Thain -- the former chief operating officer at Merrill Lynch -- masterminded that bank's sale to Bank of America Corp (BAC.N). But he was forced to leave BofA under the shadow of a $15.31 billion fourth-quarter loss at Merrill, as well as allegations he was a lavish spender.

Thain was among the many former executives from what once was Wall Street's most profitable investment bank who went on to other top companies, as well as the upper echelons of government.

Once they were the brightest stars in the investment universe, but Goldman alumni -- including Thain, former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and former Citigroup Chairman Robert Rubin -- look much less brilliant now.

Thain has made the biggest headlines lately. Along with a report that he spent $1.2 million redecorating his office shortly after joining Merrill Lynch in December 2007, his reputation was tarnished even more by a request for a bonus -- after Merrill racked up more than $20 billion in writedowns.

When he joined BofA, Thain brought on at least one other highly paid Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) executive -- Thomas Montag, who was paid a bonus of $39.4 million plus a $600,000 salary -- and other staff, such as former chief risk officer Noel Donohoe.

Yet they did little to reverse the crisis at the firm, although their defenders say turning around Merrill, loaded up on risk as it was under its former management, might have been too much for anyone.

Beyond Merrill, former Goldman Chief Executive Henry Paulson's reign as U.S. Treasury Secretary came to an end this month, overshadowed by increasing criticism of his expensive efforts to revive the U.S. economy.

And earlier this month, former Goldman executive and Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin left his post as senior counselor at Citigroup Inc (C.N) after coming under fire for his performance at the giant bank.

The list of Goldman executives whose names have lost their luster extends to Robert Steel, former Goldman vice chairman, who was parachuted into Wachovia Bank to save it and wound up selling it to Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N), and Neel Kashkari, the Goldman wunderkind, who at 35 was named by Paulson to manage the government's $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program -- an increasingly unpopular bailout.

"The firm's reputation has taken some hits," said NAB Research's Bush.


Current Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein may have hoped he could rely on the bank's reputation as the financial crisis spun into a global recession. But that status looks increasingly tenuous now and Goldman Sachs' share price fell 61 percent last year.

Not that things have been easy for those who stayed behind. Last month, the firm posted its first quarterly loss since going public and was forced to raise more than $20 billion in capital.

And Goldman became a bank holding company regulated by the Federal Reserve in September after Merrill Lynch's sale to Bank of America and Lehman Brothers' bankruptcy left the markets reeling.

Altogether during the fourth quarter, the bank was forced to seek $21 billion in capital from the U.S. Treasury, public investors and Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc (BRKa.N).

To be fair, Goldman and its former stars are not the only victims of a crisis that has overwhelmed many top bankers.

In a sense, the inability of executives such as Steel and Thain to keep struggling banks independent, or the difficulties of Paulson and Kashkari in managing the sprawling TARP bailout simply triggered a repricing of Goldman's talent -- much as many other once prized assets across Wall Street have had to be repriced.


Goldman Sachsのスター達は危機の中で栄光を失う

投資銀行、証券、資産運用のヘッドからちょうど先日失脚したBank of AmericaのJohn Thainは、ウォールストリートの最強チームGoldman Sachsの最も最近のOBであり、その伝説的な銀行が無敵のオーラを失うように唐突に挫折した。
Merrill Lynchの元COOのThainは、Bank of Americaへの銀行売却を立案した。しかし、Merrillの第四四半期の153.1億ドルの損失により、また浪費家であるという申し立てにより、BofAを去らざるを得なくなった。
かつて、投資分野で彼らは最も輝かしいスターだった。しかし、Thain、元財務長官Hank Paulson、そして元Citigroup会長のRobert Rubinを含むGoldmanの卒業生たちは、今は輝いていないように見える。
Thainは最近で最大のニュースを作った。報告によると、彼は2007年12月にMerrill Lynchに入社してすぐ、彼のオフィスを120万ドル費やして改装した。さらにはMerrillが200億ドル以上の評価損を被った後にボーナスの要求をしたことで、彼の評判は落ちた。
彼がBofAに加わったとき、Thainは少なくともThomas Motag(彼は60万ドルの給料に加え3900万ドルのボーナスを支払われている)やNoel Donohoe(元CRO)といった高給取りのGoldman Sachsの幹部を引き抜いた。
元GoldmanのCEO、Henry Paulsonの財務長官としての在位期間は、彼のアメリカ経済を復活させるための高くつく取り組みへの批判が増加した今月で終わった。
そして今月始め、元GoldmanのCEOであり元財務長官のRobert Rubinが、その巨大銀行における彼の成果への非難を受け、Citigroupの上級相談役の地位から離れた。
Goldmanの幹部たちの名前は栄光を失い、それは元Goldman福会長のRobert Steelに及んだ。彼はWachovia銀行に天下りし、そしてWells Fargoにそれを売却した。Goldmanの神童Neel Kashkariは、35歳でPaulsonに政府の7000億ドルのTARP(評判の良くない救済)の管理に任命された。
NAB ResearchのBushは言った。


現CEOのLloyd Blankfeinは、金融危機から世界的景気後退に突入するなかで、その銀行の評判に頼ることが出来たらと思っているかもしれない。しかし、今はその地位はますます弱く見え、またGoldman Sachsの株価は昨年61%下落した。
そして、Merrill LynchのBofAへの売却やLehman Brothersの破綻後の9月、Goldmanは連邦準備制度理事会に規制される銀行持ち株会社になった。
第四四半期全体で、その銀行は米財務省、一般投資家およびBerkshire HahawayのWarren Buffettより210億ドルの資金を求めざるを得なかった。



Were the Goldman's alumni incompetent?
If so, the company which had such members would have been keeping a position of powerhouse?
It's not good to focus on the outstanding things to settle the problem caused by mixing of many events.
And if such a few people could be influencial, I think there is also probrem about the American imbalanced system.


前向きな見通し / Positive perspective

ゴールドマンとMスタンレー、危機乗り切れる [ロイター]

サンフォード・C・バーンスタインのアナリスト、ブラッド・ヒンツ氏は、ゴールドマン・サックス(GS.N: 株価, 企業情報, レポート)とモルガン・スタンレー(MS.N: 株価, 企業情報, レポート)について、今後追加評価損を計上する可能性があるが、現在の金融危機を乗り切れるとの見通しを示した。










I got a positive news after a long interval!
But it may only means they don't have to go into bankrupt or sell themselves.
Now market shrunk, so it's hard to make a comeback without recovery of real economy.
Therefore it would take a long time.
I hope we break through this recession early.

CEOの決断 / CEO's decision

Bank of America and JPMorgan CEOs buy shares [Reuters]

The chief executives of Bank of America Corp and JPMorgan Chase & Co bought some of their companies' stock in the last week, a sign of confidence as the banking sector struggles with soaring credit losses and a deep recession.

Kenneth Lewis, Bank of America's chief executive, spent about $1.2 million on Tuesday to buy 200,000 common shares, four days after the largest U.S. bank posted its first quarterly loss in 17 years.

JPMorgan Chief Executive Jamie Dimon spent about $11.5 million on Friday to buy 500,000 shares, a day after the second-largest U.S. bank said fourth-quarter profit fell 76 percent.

The purchases were disclosed in separate filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Lewis' purchase was disclosed more than an hour before U.S. stock markets closed, triggering a broad rally in bank shares. Major U.S. bank indexes had fallen to 14-year lows on Tuesday.

"You have executives trying to shore up shareholder confidence," said Jay Lorsch, a professor at Harvard Business School. "I would expect them to believe shareholders will interpret the purchases as a sign of long-term confidence, as investors worry about the state of the banking sector."

Bank of America spokesman Scott Silvestri and JPMorgan spokesman Joe Evangelisti declined to comment. Five Bank of America directors also bought new shares, including lead independent director O. Temple Sloan, SEC filings show.

Lewis paid between $5.98 and $6.06 per share, boosting his direct stake by 16 percent to 1,460,997 common shares, worth $9.76 million based on Wednesday's closing price. He also indirectly controls 542,235 bank shares through various trusts, and last November 4 bought 86,000 preferred shares.

Dimon paid $22.93 for each of his shares, boosting his direct ownership stake by 16 percent to 3,545,503 common shares, worth $80.2 million as of Wednesday's close. He also indirectly controls 1,570,550 shares in various trusts, a retirement plan and through his wife.

"It is great news when officers and directors are buying stock because it indicates they believe it is worth putting money in the business," said Paul Lapides, director of the corporate governance center at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia. "In both cases, $1 million or more is significant. Executives don't like to lose money."

Lapides said he owns small amounts of both Bank of America and Citigroup shares.

Lewis' investment also came after Bank of America took $20 billion from the government's Troubled Asset Relief Program to help it absorb Merrill Lynch & Co, which it bought on Jan 1. The government will share in losses on $118 billion of debt.

Bank of America is based in Charlotte, North Carolina, and JPMorgan in New York.

Bank of America shares closed up $1.58, or 31 percent, at $6.68 on Wednesday, while JPMorgan shares rose $4.54, or 25.1 percent, to $22.63. Both banks' shares recouped much of their losses a day earlier. The Standard & Poor's Financials Index rose 14.6 percent.

先週、Bank of AmericaとJPMorganのCEOが彼らの会社の株式を取得した。これは、急増する損失および深刻な景気後退に対する銀行業界の苦闘の象徴である。
米国最大の銀行BoAのCEO、Kenneth Lewisは、同社が過去17年間で最大の第一四半期損失となると公表した4日後の火曜に普通株20万株を約120万ドルで購入した。米国2位の銀行JPMorganのCEO、Jamie Dimonは、同社が第四四半期の利益が76%減少すると述べた翌日の木曜に50万株を約1150万ドルで購入した。これらの取引は、それぞれ米証券取引委員会(SEC:Securities and Exchange Commission)が公開した。Lewisの取引は米国株式市場が閉まる1時間以上前に公表され、銀行株が幅広く反発するきっかけとなった。主要米国銀行指標は火曜に14年来の安値まで下落していた。
Harvard Business SchoolのJay Lorsch教授は以下のように述べた。
BoAのスポークスマン、Scott SilvestriとJPMorganのスポークスマン、Joe Evangelistiはコメントを拒否した。
O. Temple Sloan筆頭取締役を含むBoAの5人の幹部は同様に株式を取得したとSECの記録は示している。Lewisは一株あたり5.98ドルから6.06ドルの間を支払い、彼の直接保有株式は16%増え146万997株となった。これは、水曜の終値ベースで976万ドルに相当する。彼はまた間接的に54万2235株を様々な信託を通じて保有しており、また昨年11月4日に8万6000株の優先株を取得した。
とGeorgia州KennesawにあるKennesaw州大学コーポレートガバナンスセンター所長のPaul Lapidesは述べた。
Lewisの投資はMerrill Lynchを吸収(1月1日に完了した)するために政府のTARP(Troubled Asset Relief Program)より200億ドルをBoAが受け取った後を追った。政府は、負債による1180億ドルの損失を共有するだろう。
BoAはNorth Carolina州Charlotteに基盤を置いており、JPMorganはNew Yorkにある。
BoAの株価は1.58ドル(31%)上昇し6.68ドルとなった。両行の株式は一日前の下落を取り戻し、同日S&P(Standard & Poor's)金融指標は14.6%上昇した。



It's great that they showed their stance for shareholders to break their back for a turnaround.
But all they have to do is to take a limited liability.
If it could gain such a rising of 30% in the stock market, it may be not expensive for them.


新しいPC / New PC



I received my new desktop PC today that I had purchased as my favorite laptop had broken.
I just intended to use it, but time passed considerably when I knew it!
What a confortable PC it is.
By the way, I finally installed Firefox which was recommended by the Phenix's teacher and my junior, and it's also great!
I was motivated!


シティが2つに / Citigroup splits in two

Citigroup plans to sell Japanese brokerage unit: report [REUTERS]

Citigroup Inc has earmarked its Japanese retail brokerage operation, Nikko Cordial Securities, for sale, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal on Sunday.

Citigroup, which revealed an $8.3 billion quarterly loss on Friday, said Nikko Cordial Securities, Japan's No. 3 brokerage in assets, will be categorized as a noncore asset alongside other peripheral or ailing businesses globally, the report stated.

Citigroup hadn't planned to sell the unit until the eve of its earnings. But after spinning off Smith Barney, Nikko Cordial was left as the only major retail brokerage business within the group and didn't fit into Citigroup's plans, said the report, citing people familiar with the matter.

The final decision was made by a tight cadre around Chief Executive Vikram Pandit, these people said.

最終的な判断はCEOのVikram Panditとその側近幹部によって行なわれた。




What a fast decision-making!!
That may show how bad condition it is in.
Although there are a lot of speculations, Citi, which needs cash right away, will probably sell it just like Smith Barney.
Because they acquired it for 1 trillion yen, it's a shame to sell.
But it all depends on the environment.

mini mini / mini mini

今日mini miniに行ったら良い物件が見つかった!


I visited "mini mini" and could find out a nice house today!
I feel it's a little expensive...
But fortunately my support person is store manager.
So I can expect her powerful negotiation!
I'll look around the town and think again.


家探し / House hunting



Finally I bestirred myself and began to looking for the house which I'll live in from this spring.
Although I visit some real-estate office the other day, there are fewer objects which can appease my demands than I expected.
While I was thinking such a thing, my colleagues began to find out and contract the house gradually!
I'm feeling pressed...


一周年記念日 / First anniversary



I got a job offer from the company by phone at the same day in 2008.
Had I ever felt such a shock in my life?
One year has passed since then.
What did I change myself during the year?